Dr. Ioannis Georgiou is the Director of Coastal and Deltaic Systems and has more than 20 years of experience working in the Mississippi River Delta Plain, and other coastal systems nationwide. Ioannis has experience on various surface processes occurring in rivers, deltas, estuaries and marshes, and led many studies to understand regional-to-local processes driving geomorphic change using observations in the field and numerical models. In Louisiana, Ioannis has experience in the evolution of Louisiana barrier islands and inlets in response to coastal erosion and interior wetland loss, the response of bays and sounds to freshwater and sediment diversions, the exchange of water and sediment during storms along coastal systems, and the dynamics of saltwater intrusion in the lower Mississippi River and Delta. At the institute, he is leading the ongoing modeling in support of CPRA’s Sediment Diversion Program, he continues to be involved in the barrier islands and tidal inlets aspects of the 2023 Coastal Masterplan and leads technical modeling teams supporting the development of multidimensional coastal evolution models in Louisiana and the rest of the country.
- Models and Coastal Project Prioritization: The ICM, CLARA, and Planning Tool
- Louisiana Coastal Master Plans
- Enhancement of Seagrass at the Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana
- Enhancing Benefits Evaluation for USACE Water Resources Projects
- Evaluating Forecasts of Coastal Change
- Partnership for Our Working Coast
- Chincoteague Inlet Modeling Study (CIMS)
- Louisiana Barrier Island System Management (BISM): Structured Decision-Making
- Lowermost Mississippi River Management Program
- Quantifying Blue Carbon in Coastal Louisiana Wetlands for Potential Accreditation
- Lake Borgne Gulf Sturgeon Monitoring and Habitat Characterization
- Numerical Modeling of the Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama Coastal System (LMACS)
- Investigation of Flow and Water Constituent Fluxes Through the Tidal Inlets of the Barataria Basin
- Barrier Island System Management (BISM)
- Advancement of the Southeast Conservation Adaptation Strategy (SECAS) for Project-Scale Planning: Chandeleur Islands (Breton National Wildlife Refuge) Restoration
- Development of a Hydrodynamic Model for Lake Pontchartrain and Lake Borgne to Inform Gulf Sturgeon Habitat Characterization
- Sediment Infilling Rate of Lowermost Mississippi River Borrow Pits and Impacts on Downstream Dredging
- Borrow Pits on Estuarine Sediment Dynamics, Barataria Bay, Louisiana
- Inter-Model Comparisons Between Physical and Numerical Models
- The economics of sediment quality on barrier shoreline restoration
- Hydrodynamics and Sediment-Transport Pathways along a Mixed-Energy Spit-Inlet System: A Modeling Study at Chincoteague Inlet (Virginia, USA)
- Numerical modeling of hydrodynamics and sediment transport in lower Mississippi at a proposed delta building diversion
- Flow Loss in Deltaic Distributaries: Impacts on Channel Hydraulics, Morphology, and Stability
- Following the Sand Grains
- Hydrodynamic controls on sedimentary facies of tidal point bars: A case study in the Georgia coastal plain, USA
- A community-informed transdisciplinary approach to coastal restoration planning: Maximizing the social and ecological co-benefits of wetland creation in Port Fourchon, Louisiana, USA
- Reevaluating the wave power-salt marsh retreat relationship
- Dissolved organic carbon dynamics and fluxes in Mississippi-Atchafalaya deltaic system impacted by an extreme flood event and hurricanes: a multi-satellite approach using Sentinel-2/3 and Landsat-8/9 Data
- Vertical accretion trends project doughnut-like fragmentation of saltmarshes
- Storm and tidal interactions control sediment exchange in mixed-energy coastal systems
See All Work