Work With Us

Founded in 2011, the Institute is a non-profit, independent research institute dedicated to advancing the understanding of coastal, deltaic, river and water resource systems, across the Gulf Coast and around the world.

At the Institute, the focus is to build upon the large body of work of coastal science and water resource management that has been the hallmark of Louisiana expertise for decades. Our work focuses on providing the science, engineering, and technical analysis to inform decisions that lead to more sustainable communities and economies.

Our greatest strength is our collaborative approach, both internally and externally:

Internally, we work in an interdisciplinary way to combine our modeling, field work, and community resiliency expertise to help find solutions to the multiple challenges coastal communities face from sea level rise to subsidence and from shoreline erosion to restoration.

Externally, we work with a wide array of partners including government agencies, universities, NGOs, private engineering firms, local leaders and so many others to address the most difficult issues impacting coastal communities and economy.

We look forward to hearing from you on new ways we can extend and strengthen these partnerships into the future.