Our Work

The Water Institute’s technical team strives to improve our collective understanding of natural and human aspects of coastal, riverine, and urban water management systems; to develop methods, models, and tools to aid in the restoration of communities and ecosystems; and to reduce risk for habitats, people, and infrastructure.

Our Research Areas are distinct, but the Water Institute's work thrives on transdisciplinary collaboration both internally between subject matter experts, and externally with partners, stakeholders, and communities.


Research Areas


Recent Projects
Advancing Coastal Resilience Through Public-Private Partnerships in Walton County, FL

Like many coastal areas along the Gulf of Mexico, northwest Florida has been experiencing flooding exacerbated by sea level rise, as well as tropical ...

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Recent Reports
Borrow Pits on Estuarine Sediment Dynamics, Barataria Bay, Louisiana

The report summarizes the analysis to evaluate the consequences of borrowing sediment from inter-distributary bays in the Mississippi River Delta Plai...

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Recent Publication
Leveraging co-production within ecosystem restoration to maximize benefits to coastal birds

Coastal Louisiana's ecosystems are threatened by anthropogenic factors exacerbated by climate change induced sea-level rise. The 2010 Deepwater Horizo...

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