Partner With Us

The Institute is a non-profit, independent research and technical services resource to help build resilient coastal and sustainable water systems around the world. An integral part of our mission is the partnerships we’ve built with government agencies, private sector firms, foundations, coastal nonprofit organizations, industry, and communities.

We are always looking for new ideas and working with partners who want to advance the work in applied research towards the goals of making communities and economies more resilient in the face of changing natural conditions.

For example, our partnership with The Netherland’s Deltares research institute resulted in the development of a real-time forecasting system that provides advanced flood warning for inland watersheds and coastal regions. Forecast results would help identify neighborhoods, major roads, and critical infrastructure that might be subject to flooding in a animation format that would greatly increase the ability to communicate the risks to governments and the public.

In addition to project implementation, our partnerships provide independent technical peer review such as during our work management competitive grants through our designation as the Louisiana RESTORE Act Center of Excellence.

Please contact us to discuss ways we can work together.