Texas General Land Office

Texas General Land Office Central Coast Outer Continental Shelf Offshore Sand Source Survey

Author(s): APTIM and The Water Institute

Through a grant from the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM), the Texas General Land Office (GLO) contracted Aptim Environmental & Infrastructure, LLC (APTIM), with team member The Water Institute (TWI) to conduct geophysical surveys to assist the GLO and BOEM with identifying and delineating sediment resources along the Texas Central Coast Outer Continental Shelf (OCS). The APTIM team conducted an extensive review of existing geophysical and geotechnical data to ensure no duplication of data occurred. Marine hazard and resource data were also acquired and compiled, reviewed, and incorporated to further develop the geophysical survey plan. APTIM reviewed the existing data to assess seafloor depth, seafloor hazards, base of overburden, top of sand, base of sand, channels/paleochannels, and ravinement surfaces. Based on this evaluation, the APTIM team developed a survey plan that made the most efficient use of existing data while avoiding collecting duplicate data.