Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies

Unstructured-grid approach to develop high-fidelity groundwater model to understand groundwater flow and storage responses to excessive groundwater withdrawals in the Southern Hills aquifer system in southeastern Louisiana (USA)

Apr 24, 2023

Author(s): Ye-Hong Chen, Hamid Vahdat-Aboueshagh, Frank T.-C. Tsai, Michael C. Runge

The SHAS provides abundant groundwater for public and industrial supplies in the CAGCD. Groundwater depletion, saltwater intrusion, and land subsidence are potential concerns due to prolonged excessive groundwater withdrawals. This study develops a high-fidelity groundwater flow model utilizing a complex unstructured grid to investigate groundwater flow and storage responses to excessive groundwater withdrawals for the SHAS in the CAGCD. The groundwater model incorporates the Mississippi River alluvial aquifer down to the Miocene sands extending to depths around 1 km. Paper here.