More Ways to Give

At The Water Institute, we believe in action grounded in science and collaboration. Our team – scientists, engineers, planners, and thought leaders – collaborate across sectors as diverse as government, private industry, academia, and non-profit organizations. This collective expertise results in innovative solutions that foster resilience and equity for people and environments.

The Water Institute is a 501c(3) non-profit organization. Our tax ID number is 45-1066585 and all donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Donate by mail to The Water Institute:

The Water Institute
Mission Advancement
1110 River Road S, Ste. 200
Baton Rouge, LA 70802

Credit Card
Donations can be made online or by calling one of our staff.

Donor Advised Funds
Gifts from DAFs are a wonderful way to support The Water Institute’s work. Please suggest The Water Institute to your financial organization.

Gifts of Stock
Electronic transfer is the simplest way to make a gift of securities. Call us for additional information.

Consider leaving The Water Institute in your will, estate plans, or retirement account as a beneficiary.

IRA Charitable Rollover
If you are 70 1/2 or older you can make a tax-free gift with a qualified charitable distribution, or QCD, up to a maximum of $105,000 per year from you IRA directly to The Water Institute. Please contact us for more information.

Matching Gifts

Please check to see if your company will match your donation to the Institute.

Contact Us

Jennifer Winstead, Vice President of Mission Advancement
, 225-227-2710

Kristen Green, CPA Director of Finance, 225-224-3933

Allie Roberts, Staff Accountant, 225-227-2721

South Plaquemines