
Requesting Nominations for External Review Board

Nov 15, 2016

The RESTORE Act Center of Excellence for Louisiana (Center) is convening an External Review Board (Board) to provide technical feedback to the Center on key research activities. The Board’s role will be to advise on the quality and importance of externally reviewed research proposals; support the development of a relevant, balanced, and achievable Research Strategy to support implementation of Louisiana’s Coastal Master Plan; and to guide the long-term advancement of coastal research under the Center. Board members will provide independent and objective advice and guidance, yet will not make funding or strategic decisions.

The Center is soliciting nominations for Board members. The Board will be comprised of nationally and internationally recognized subject matter experts on topics relevant to Louisiana’s Coastal Master Plan. Appropriate fields of expertise for members include but are not limited to: riverine hydrology, geomorphology, and sediment dynamics; coastal and estuarine hydrology, geomorphology, and sediment dynamics; barrier beach and shoreline processes; deltaic geology; engineered structures; geotechnical engineering; coastal wildlife; coastal fisheries; coastal wetland soil dynamics; environmental sociology; rural, and urban planning; cultural anthropology; hazards geography; resource economics; coastal industrial economics; coastal and estuarine ecology; estuarine nutrient dynamics; delta building; tropical cyclone surge and wave dynamics; climate change; and regulatory and policy issues.

Individuals serving on the External Review Board and members of their research team (graduate students, Post Docs, etc.) will be prohibited from participating in any way in research proposals submitted to the competitive grants process.

Nominations should be emailed to by Wednesday, October 12, 2016 using the downloadable template available on the Center’s website, Nominations should include the name, contact information, rationale for the nomination, including the appropriate area of expertise, experience on relevant panels and boards, and a brief resume of the nominee. To ensure that expertise of the nominees is widely recognized, self-nominations are not encouraged.

Additional information on the RESTORE Act Center of Excellence for Louisiana and the External Review Board can be found at All questions should be directed to

Please distribute this solicitation to others who may wish to provide nominations.

About The RESTORE Act Center of Excellence for Louisiana

The mission of the RESTORE Act Center of Excellence for Louisiana is to provide research directly relevant implementation of Louisiana’s Coastal Master Plan by administering a competitive grants program and providing the appropriate coordination and oversight support to ensure that success metrics are tracked and achieved. The Center is a separate program within The Water Institute of the Gulf, which is a not-for-profit, independent research institute dedicated to advancing the understanding of coastal, deltaic, river and water resource systems, both within the Gulf Coast and around the world.