Mark Wingate

Board Member

Mark Wingate, P.E., is a Louisiana registered Professional Engineer in Louisiana with 35 years of experience executing and delivering large complex projects across south Louisiana. In April 2024, Mr. Wingate became the Executive Vice President of MSMM, a small business engineering firm headquartered in Metairie, LA, specializing in horizontal infrastructure design for the federal and non-federal markets.

Mr. Wingate dedicated over 30 years of service to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) New Orleans District (MVN), including serving as the Deputy District Engineer for Programs and Project Management (DPM) from May 2015 to December 2023. As DPM he served as the Senior Civilian for MVN and Chief Advisor to the District Commander in the delivery of a multi-billion-dollar civil works program. His expertise lies in program delivery across flood risk management, coastal and ecosystem restoration, and navigation business lines.

In 2017 he was selected by HQUSACE to serve directly with the Executive Office of the President, Council on Environmental Quality where he served as the Deputy Advisor on Infrastructure drafting the key principles for the $1T infrastructure package.

In 2023 he was selected by the MVD Commander to serve as the interim Regional Business Director, Senior Executive Service (SES), overseeing operations across the Mississippi Valley from St. Paul, MN to New Orleans, LA.

Key accomplishments as MVN’s DPM include completing and turning over the $14.7B Greater New Orleans Hurricane and Storm Damage Risk Reduction System in May 2022 to the State of LA, initiating/executing flood risk reduction measures under the Bi-partisan Budget Act (BBA) and Disaster Relief Supplemental Appropriations programs. Mark’s efforts resulted in putting billions of construction dollars to work across south LA for projects such as West Shore Lake Pontchartrain, Comite River Diversion, East Baton Rouge, SW Coastal, Morganza to the Gulf, New Orleans to Venice and numerous studies for future investment opportunities. Some of his fondest moments and memories include serving as MVN’s Lead Advisor at the Governor’s Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness